The celebration of our paterfamilias this year is certainly going to be a very different experience; the lockdown measures have meant many of us are cut off from our family members and had to resort to virtual family interactions; while those in lockdown who live with their nearest and dearest have had their challenges too - balancing working-at-home demands with those of home-schooling while negotiating the new rules that govern our reality at the moment. Which means that come Father’s Day on June 21st, our fathers are due a little extra consideration in this annus horribilis.
It also appears that men, in general, tend to be a great deal more reticent about indulging themselves, which is why Father’s Day is a rare chance to gift him something he might have been coveting but wouldn’t particularly splash out on for himself and which will give him an opportunity to celebrate daily rituals that will help him feel more grounded in this challenging time. Grooming regimen is a shrewd place to start, and it has the added element of being something of everyday use, a daily reminder of someone’s thoughtfulness.
And there is nothing that can make a man feel more freshened and formidable than some morning ablutions with the finest, most rarefied products possible (especially if he’s a new father that’s been kept awake all night!). So help him up the ante on the daily routine by giving him a specially curated grooming package.
A gift box is an informed, all-encompassing solution. At Truefitt & Hill, our team have selected two variants that highlight the expertise we have come to be famed for in our 215-year history, both of which are designed to assist in the specific areas of grooming that are the most frequently undertaken - hair care and shaving. Our Father’s Day Shaving Essentials Gift Box (£96.50) consists of one of our handsome Double Edge Razors and a Shaving Cream Bowl, alongside our Pre-shave Oil crafted with ten essential oils, and designed to negate the irritating and dehydrating effects that shaving can have on the skin.
Our barbershop’s other skill alongside shaving is, obviously, hair care, and so to that end, we have carefully selected a range of products for our Father’s Day Hair Essentials Gift Box (£49.50), which features our Double Tooth Ox Horn Comb, crafted in the UK by artisans and made with ethically-sourced natural horn, our Freshman Friction treatment to invigorate the hair, and our Frequent Use Shampoo, our one-stop daily hair solution.
Finally, a beautifully crafted manicure set is a timeless gift; it’s endlessly helpful and can be used for decades. Ours are crafted in the best quality steel and come in a handsome leather case. It will help him keep things neat and tidy, and the various elements - tweezers, nail clippers, nail file - make up a suitably masculine tool kit. After all, a man’s handshake is his introduction and calling card!
Perhaps one of the most optimistic, and poignant, gifts to give this Father’s Day is one that points to the future. Which is why we are offering our range of gift vouchers for treatments in-store, to use when our flagship store in St. James’s Street finally re-opens.
With changing perceptions of what makes a gentleman, a father's role has never been more pressing, nor the examples he sets to his children and lessons he teaches them, more imperative. That is why we would like to invite you to join in our social media campaign on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter - share the wonderful life lessons you have learned from your Father and stand to win an Ultimate Grooming Experience Gift Voucher so paying him back in kind with grooming that carves out time for him is a fitting acknowledgement for all he has done for you.
As Her Majesty said during the momentous address to the nation; ‘we will meet again’, and Truefitt & Hill will be waiting with doors open and mahogany panelled walls shining to welcome our customers just as we have for over two centuries.